About Us
John Andrews was a member of the First National Real Estate group for some time after opening up initially as a small independently owned agency and attracting the interest of a number of Real Estate franchisors. John’s previous Melbourne based contacts operating in the land development industry came calling, seeking John’s assistance in acquiring parcels of land for development purposes, parcels that John then marketed on their behalf. From these humble beginnings John developed business relationships with some notable local builders and went on to sell established homes all around Geelong and into the coastal areas. Having lived on the land himself it was a natural progression to enter into the rural market selling small acreages initially before negotiating the sale of fully fledged farms. John has also acquired commercial leaseholds for a Canadian company in expansion mode throughout Australia which has left him with wide ranging experience in many facets of the property industry.
Having retired some years ago John has become concerned about housing affordability for future generations which of course includes his own grandchildren. Enjoying the cut and thrust of being involved John has decided to offer his experience to the market for people seeking to buy and sell property economically, hedging their risk by lowering the costs of buying and selling by means of advocacy acting in an advisory or coaching capacity as people go through the process with some guidance and practical from an operator with a wide range of negotiating experience.